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Quick Ankle Update

Today will be the mark of the second week of rehabilitation of my ankle sprain, and things are going very smoothly! As you can see there are only mild sings of swelling in the front of my ankle, and no more blue-yellow bruising!



I have continued to work on my range of motion, especially end-range loading to help stretch out my scarred ligaments and ankle joint capsule. Elastic strengthening and wobble board training have also continued and progressed as now I am practicing single leg balance on the wobble board.

Knowing I cannot reach my ankle effectively and feel whether any of my joints have stiffened up, I decided to visit my physiotherapist who also happens to be the instructor of the last myofascial release course that I took in late 2011.

After an assessment, he could feel that my subtalar joint had limited and could benefit from manipulation. Since there was no discomfort with the pre-manipulative hold, my therapist applied a high velocity flick to the ankle, regaining lost mobility.

My physio also explained that often with an inversion sprain, that the peroneal nerve can become irritated by the quick stretch that is placed upon it by the motion of the ankle sprain. When this nerve is irritated it can make the muscles that evert (turn out) the foot tight. He suggested that I massage the outside of my leg at least once or twice a day, which I have followed up with as ordered.

The ankle looks and feels great, and I hope to be comfortable to run in the near future!